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Need to know what is going on at the church? Check out our online calendar!

Potluck (2nd & 4th Saturday)

Our church has potlucks after services every 2nd and 4th Saturdays. Check our website for potluck themes and to sign up to bring items.

Vacation Bible School

Join us June 10-14, 2024 (Mon-Fri) from 6:00-8:30pm for Camp Firelight VBS! During each assembly session, Campers join first-time camp counselor Sam and Lu (short for Lumen), the lightning bug puppet, and learn to face their fears while trusting in God. Each day, Campers see Counselor Sam face new challenges, from as simple as leading Campers on a hike to as intimidating as meeting a new and wise nature expert. With the help of Lu the Lightning Bug and the Camp Counselor Guidebook, Counselor Sam and our Campers explore timeless Bible stories that show how Old and New Testament Campers trusted God in the face of their own fears and went on to do great things in God’s name.